Saturday, June 05, 2004

Template Changes

I've just got the time to look through the Template Code and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) that are in my blog, and tried to play around with it. If you know basic HTML, some common programming skills, then editing much of this would be easy to understand and change.

Like in this instance, the template title was changed, but as mentioned, I like things plain and simple - remember unique interface is not always the best. Some unique interfaces that look whoa! at first may turn very grating as proven to be hard to navigate. Human Computer Interaction talks alot about that, and if you are inbetween the geekish computer type - and parly artist, it would be good to take alook on this subject - a real interesting read ;)

Oh my gosh, got out of topic again :-/ Oh well, there goes a minor template change, and probably in the course of this small adventure, will be playing around with it to create more of a personalized representation of myself finally ;)

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