Tuesday, September 14, 2004

PM's View on The Need for More Libraries

Many readers of this blog, may think that I'm completely anti-Thaksin. However I do want to point that I'm not a one-sided bastard, but I then to take things and reanalyze it in my own twisted way >:) Anyway, today's blog deals alittle with what I saw yesterday. Yesterday there was a meeting that I attended in which I was treated with a short documentary about a conceptual library in the planning - which was produced by a few friends in our group and Panorama Company (the documentary company).

During the middle of the documentary, I had heard a few words from the PM that I'll translate and transcribe here:

Some people ask me, would it be better to create libraries and hope the people will come to read books there, or should we create the love for reading before creating a library? The question is like what comes first - the egg or the chicken. I want to mention that question is irrelevant as there would be no answer. What I stress is that we should push forward in building the library regardlessly to build good infrastructure for the love of reading for our future generation.

I'll leave my comments out of this quote. I like it, and I just don't want to describe the harsh reality that followed this part. The reality is much harsher than the ideal world.

1 comment:

Xtercy said...

yeah .. i heard that speach some where on the news or some thing .. this is one of the thing he did would be good for the ppl.

I don't know how many liabraries are in thailand and i never visited one except the one in my uni.

i only know the national liabrary near tae vej area... but i would go to other side of the road more for the Kao Ka Moo :P