Wednesday, August 25, 2004

What is a Promise if Its Not a Promise?

What is a Promise if Its Not a Promise? Today, I'm in one of the most irritable moods I had for a long long time, and part of it has to do with the idea how casually some people will discard their promise to another person. Today someone broke a somewhat important promise to me, and it just makes my blood boil though I managed to keep a straight face through out the encounter.

I have met many people who break promises often, and after all of that I learn to always keep a backup or contingency plan up my sleeves when ever that happens. You never know what life throws at you. Best go out in power armor just to be safe ;)

Anyway got a busy day ahead of me, August 27, 2004 - the GDXCON2004. Hopefully things will end up great there and I'm certainly looking forwards towards that.

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