Thursday, October 13, 2005

Senseless Part#1

Life sucks currently - Too much work, too many unforseen pitfalls, too many headaches, but I'm not going to give up to those small potholes in life.

Anyway since life is pretty bad lately, what is a better redemy than to spend alittle time on something that is senseless like a meme and then go back to work :P

:x: name: Pisal
:x: height: 175
:x: shoe size: 10
:x: hair color: Black
:x: siblings: Younger/Older Brother
:x: eyes: black
:x: college: Assumption University
:x: high: EIS
:x: elementary: RIS
:x: hometown: Bangkok
:x: favorite place: Home
:x: favorite soda: Ice Tea PEACH!
:x: game: Tetris
:x: favorite food: Pizza
:x: favorite book: LOTR
:x: favorite pen: Reynolds - Blue
:x: favorite animal: Almond(my dog)
:x: waterbrand:
:x: favorite burger place: Home
:x: favorite hobby: Cook / Play Computer Games
:x: favorite friends: The Homies
:x: bar or club: Saxophone
:x: favorite vitamins:
:x: favorite news: Slashdot
:x: favorite dog: -
:x: cell phone co.: Nokia
:x: favorite shirt: Working - Blue Long Sleeve Shirt
:x: favorite sport: Basketball
:x: favorite alcohol: Screwdriver
:x: favorite computer: Fast and Powerful
:x: favorite fruit: Pineapple
:x: favorite song: When You Say Nothing at All
:x: ketchup or salsa: Ketchup
:x: favorite milkshake: Strawberry
:x: steak or lobster: steak
:x: favorite color: blue
:x: favorite weather: sunshine
:x: favorite state: Bangkok

Do You?
:x: have a crush on someone: Yes
:x: wish you could live somewhere else: Maybe
:x: think about suicide: Used to
:x: believe in online dating: ...
:x: think others find you attractive: Maybe
:x: want more piercings: No
:x: like cleaning: Yes
:x: like roller coasters: No
:x: write in cursive or print: Print
:x: last talked to: Big Bro
:x: last thought of: Food
:x: last cut your nails: yesterday
:x: last did laundry: long time ago
:x: last hugged a tree: A few months ago
:x: last watched anime: 1 year
:x: last prayed: Can't Remember

For Or Against:
:x: long distant relationships:
:x: killing people: Against
:x: teenage smoking:
:x: driving drunk: Against
:x: gay/lesbian relationships: Neutral
:x: soap operas:

Have you?
:x: ever cried over a girl/boy: Never
:x: ever been in a fist fight: Yes
:x: ever been arrested: NEVER
:x: ever had a friend die: Yes
:x: ever dated a cousin: No
:x: ever used a gun: Yes (ROTC - army training))
:x: ever finished a puzzle: Yes
:x: ever got surgery: Yes
:x: ever got beat up: Yes (But also beating up the other person :P)
:x: ever hated someone: Try Not to
:x: ever made a huge mistake: Yes
:x: ever tried any drugs: Yes (if alcohol counts :P)
:x: ever jogged a mile: What about a minimarathon?
:x: ever played with someones feelings: Don't Know
:x: ever had feelings for someone young: Neutral

:x: shoes do you wear: Running Shoes
:x: are you scared of: Roaches
:x: do you sleep in: Floor/Bed
:x: did you eat for lunch: rice
:x: is love: ???

Number Of Times:
:x: of times I have had my heart broken?: 1
:x: of hearts I have broken?: 3
:x: of girls I have kissed?: ...
:x: of boys I have kissed?: NEVER and NOT PLANNING TO
:x: of guys/girls you've rejected?: 2
:x: of drugs you taken: NEVER
:x: of accidents you been in: Too many to count
:x: of people you lead on?: ???
:x: of people you broke up with?: 3

Do you think you are:
:x: pretty: Don't Think So
x: funny: If I'm in the mood
:x: hot: ???
:x: friendly:
If I'm in the mood
:x: ugly: You can count on me
:x: loveable: maybe
:x: caring: sometimes
:x: dorky: Yes!!!!
:x: cocky: At Times
:x: girly: No
:x: boyish: Yes
:x: smart: Yes
:x: pimp: ???
:x: angel: I'm a mean angel
:x: gangster: LOL
:x: god: of my own destiny

:x: five letter word:
:x: comedian: -
:x: candy: -
:x: cartoon: Sanctuary
:x: cereal: -
:x: chewing gum: -
:x: day of week: Sat
:x: least fave day: Wed
:x: jello flavor: Strawberry
:x: summer/winter: Winter
:x: trampolines or swimming pools: swimming pool !!

Person Who:
:x: slept in your bed: -
:x: saw you cry: -
:x: made you cry: -
:x: you went to the movies with: Such a long time ago...
:x: yelled at you: -
:x: sent you an email: I'm a black hole

Have you ever:
:x: said "i love you" and meant it?: Yes
:x: gone out in public in your pajamas?: Yes
:x: kept a secret from everyone?: Yes
:x: cried during a movie?: Yes
:x: ever at anytime owned anything new kids on the block?: ???
:x: planned your week based on the TV Guide: Yes
:x: been on stage?: Yes
:x: been to New York?: No
:x: been to California?: Yes
:x: been to Florida?: No
:x: Hawaii?: No
:x: China?: No
:x: Canada?: Yes
:x: Europe?: Yes
:x: what time is it now: 21:15
:x: apples or bananas?: apples
:x: blue or red?: Blue
:x: walmart or target?: Bah!
:x: spring or fall?: Spring
:x: what are you gonna do after you finish this?: Eat
:x: what was the last meal you ate?: Dinner
:x: last noise you heard?: The Keyboard
:x: last smell you sniffed?: My Food
:x: last time you went out of state/province?: A few months ago

:x: do you believe in love at first sight?: Yes
:x: do you want children one day &
if so, how many?: Yes, 11 to create a foodball team (p.s. I'm not serious :P)
:x: the most important thing in a friendship is?: Loyalty

Random Crap:
:x: criminal record?: NONE
:x: do you speak any other languages?: English, Thai
:x: name some of your favorite things in your bedroom?: PS2 and Books, Books, and More Books!
:x: piercings and where?: None!
:x: worst feeling in the world?: Hungry
:x: whom you love: The World

:x: nickname(s): Chang
:x: initials: PS
:x: how old do you look?: 20
:x: how old do you act?: from 16-60
:x: glasses/contacts?: Glasses
:x: braces: Used to
:x: do you have any pets?: None
:x: you get embarrassed?: If it deals with my personal life
:x: what upsets you?: Bad Food and Undependable People


A_Neutron_Astray said...

On a down huh? It's been a while since I last talked to you on msn. It's be nice to catch up. Unfortunately, I don't have internet at home yet since moving.

Make some food, then eat it! Well, either that or find someone to ramble to or complain all you want. Well it works for me sometimes anyway =P

The Cloud N◦9 said...
