Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Relief For Tsunami Victims

Currently there is a huge campaign to provide relief for Tsunami Victims. Food, clothing, and blood is required, and as one of the country member of one of the Tsunami affected area, I would like to reiterate to all of us that in times of dire need, we should try to do the best we can to help our brothers and sisters down South.

There are many ways you can help donate, which includes donation boxes at department stores, universities, governmental agencies, and NGOs. Please spare all you can.

At the moment I'm current going through the closet rummaging for clothes, bags, and other accessories that would be useful and I'll meet up with Bic with the list of items. Bic is currently coordinating the donation for our group because one of our senior (who is a distinguished rescue volunteer) would be going down south to help in the relief effort.


Xtercy said...

now they need food, clothing, medicine, and the things to clean the wounds the most..

u can donate to the red cross foundation, Pho tek tung, Ruam katan u, Narenthorn, Vachira, tv stations, radio stations...

please help in the way u can .. they really in need ...

A_Neutron_Astray said...

It's a greater tradgedy that I could have imagined from when I first heard the news a couple of days ago. Students here are also doing the best we can with donations, me included.
It's time for all of us to contribute.

Pisal said...

Some notes on donation:

1) Do not buy medicine yourself. There are lots of useless medicine. Get the suggested list from relief organizations or either donate money for them to buy necessary medicine

2) Disposable underwear and diapers are good donation - which is quite strange ;)

3) We have enough blood at the moment, so you don't really need to donate unless you got a strange blood type.

4) If you are going to volunteer yourself as interpreters, there is more than enough japanese and english ones. If you know other strange languages, it would be great if you can help!

5) I can't think of anything else O_o I guess lack of sleep is bad