Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Low Softdrink Diet

I would like to point out a few things about my previous diet. Normally, every day I would drink about 4 bottles of softdrink everyday. I would have a bottle of Ice Tea in the morning. During the lunch, I usually like to cap off 2 bottles of softdrink, which may include Coke and another drink. In the evening I would like to order one more. To cap off, I usually drink around 4 x 280 cc of softdrink everyday. That makes up to 1120 cc of softdrink. That was a typical day.

Anyway, I was just watching this documentary called Super Size Me which suddenly make me rethink some of my diet. After seeing through the film, I started to be rather alarmed with the massive amount of sugar that was consumed - which came mainly from the softdrinks that was consumed every day. I've noticed that about 5% of the softdrink is sugar which means that I consume about 56 grams of sugar from softdrinks alone! That doesn't include the amount of tea, coffee, cakes, sweets, and other stuff I eat on a daily basis. Thinking about it, I think one of the reason why lately I've been rather easily tired and irritatable is partly due to excessive amount of sugar in my body.

I decided that from today onwards, I am planning to cut sugar consumption especially from Softdrinks to a minimum level. I want to notice if there would any change on disposition or health in any way - and hopefully it would be for the better. Whatever happens I'll post it in this blog again.

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