Saturday, November 13, 2004

The Fight Over Faith

Before I go on, I just wanted to point out that I was watched the following special feature called The Fight Over Faith on CNN. Reminds me completely of my highschool upbringing, and realizes my biggest fear that Religion can divide people, and this show does help reinforce that idea.

Maybe its time for liberals, and scientific masses to rise to address the challenges of the religious conservatives in their narrow view of our world...


jeremy said...

i also saw that cnn special. of course it's very topical as it apparently was these 'evangelicals' who showed up en masse to re-elect bush.

when i was living in america my family knew some born-again christians, and while they did have strong beliefs they were generally not overbearing with their religion.

what i did find alarming was a cnn clip showing an american soldier in fallujah explaining that what they were fighting in the city was satan. satan?!? one really has to question that guy's judgment and ability to lead in the field.

Pisal said...

Well regarding the Iraqi Situation, I'm worried because like the last example mentioned, it seems many US troops were saying they were fighting Satan , and many of the insurgents there were saying that they were fighting the American Infidels.

On a religious aspect we can see that there are uncanny similarities on the usage of Us against the Whole World ideal of thought which is a worry in this multilateral world :-/