Monday, October 04, 2004

My Tribute to Win

Okay before peeps get confused, this post is a tribute to one of my close friends since highschool whose name is actually Win. Yes I'm not kidding.

If I talk about my highschool years that has been rather forgettable - due to a myraid of reasons - I still have fond memories because I had the luck to be in the same group as a number of great individuals. In my immediate clique - we call our clique the "under the stairs club (USC)" in which we occupy a small area beneight the auditorium grounds as our stomping ground. In the intial stages our club has like 3 members. I want to show you a picture of how it was decades ago:

If you look at the picture, you can see the person in the right who is sleeping is Nick, who is the original founder of this club. He is a gaming and RPG freak and is often seen carrying cartoons(Manga) around with him all the time. The person in the left using the strange device is me. I share alot of common traits with Nick. The person in the middle is Win, who is a little different as he is less obsessed than me and Nick. Though Win never really got into RPG, his cynical comments on our RPG session added depth to the game play.

If you were wondering what this was all about, I could say it simply that this club was like a gathering of nerds and geeks :P Anyway though we weren't that cool, the USC club grew in number as we had the penchant to do rather interesting things out of the blue, like at times we changed into a board game club and other modes of entertainment ;) Anyway, the number grew quite huge and we had many more members during the years and gained more acceptance - and that was a surprise. In many schools we can see those geeks and nerds being trampled on, bullied, or made fun of, in our group we actually do have a huge influence in the outcome of our class year - which is strange. Anyway maybe it has to do with all the neutrals that prefer the underdogs :P

After those wacky and zany highschool years, we kind of split ways due to further education. At the present, I'm here as I am. Nicky went to study in the US in Missouri (which we kind of make fun of him by saying how much his like is a misery without those cartoons :), and Win who graduated from Sweden in IC design and started working in Thailand for a while.

Anyway Win is going to study again, so I just thought that it was fitting to make a short recollection of how the zany highschool years were and wish luck on the person that we say is mostly likely to be a PhD graduate. Good luck, and wish for you, all the best ;)


A_Neutron_Astray said...

Thanks for the post man! Don't forget to visit my recenly created blog!
By the way, I can't believe you still have that picture! It's a great one!

Pisal said...

Hey Win. How are things over in that part of the world. I was about to update this blog with a few new shockers X'D

Xtercy said...

Yo win .. eat some sushi for me while u there .. ;)

thanx dude .. bic ..