Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Funky Funky

I was just looking through some old records and reviews when I've stumbled on the


If you noticed it was a band called Cameo which was somewhat of a trendsetter during the 1970s-1980s, not something that you will listen these days, but somehow I got stuck on their song "Word Up" and I would highly recommend this piece. Anyway, one review I found that I really liked was by a reviewer on the same site which goes as follows:

jazzliscious - 24-Apr-04 12:09 PM
There is a verse in this song that says it all. I can't and won't quote it word-for-word but it basically tells DJs to quit fronting about how cool they are and get back to the music. This is the overlying problem that in my somewhat expert opinion (I've tracked this techno genre since 1992 and know what it means to program for hours on tedious old analog synths and sequencers and drum machines, etc.) has all but rendered techno dead. This ultra-minimal "music"(?) being made these days is NOT cool, it only sounds good when your brain is tweeked out on whatever drugs you're on and is simply the by-product of laziness and ineptitude of those who are too mentally challenged to learn the craft of electronic music production! I don't like old music better because I'm stuck in my limited perception and memories of "the good old days". I like it better because it IS better. More time was put into its making and more brainpower into its conception. Word Up epitomizes this in a few short phrases of words. DJs, quit acting so cool and get back to what really matters - the MUSIC. And yes, much more time was put into this track than the average "techno track" of today. And back then everybody thought its producers were lazy for using these newfangled drum machines and s-synth-e-s-sizers or whatever the hell they're called. Now, producers sample a loop, loop a sample and VOILA! You just made a track! Now go out and score some girls 'cause you're so fuckin' COOL!

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