Friday, September 10, 2004

My Updates and Viewpoint on Ekkayuth vs PM War

A few days after I've first wrote about the Ekkayuth vs PM war, I would like to add some more of my viewpoint on that issue. As I'm not a big fan of both, I do say that I don't trust any of these two tycoons, but I do want to comment on some of the issues that has happened since the initial storm. Details are here.

After the initial interview of Khun Ekkayuth that was conducted on Channel 5, I've heard news that the news reporter were ordered to take a extended leave. If you didn't notice, Channel 5 is run by the army, in which is run by the PM's proxy. The act of taking a reporter out for interviewing a person who has critical viewpoints of the PM closely brings back memories of how the ITV case was handled - in which a number of reporters who were critical of the current regime were fired.

During the next few days, our PM stepped up his war of words with Khun Ekkayuth, with lately using the SEC, AMLO, and CIB commissions to probe more into Ekkayuth's shady past. In an address to a high-level judicial seminar in which our PM open, he was also referring to the judicial process of taking aggressive action against an unnamed person - which we all know who he mentioned. In summary, our PM's action at the present, is a this-for-that jerk knee reaction that is common in most business/political circles. Thaksin, instead of answering or clarifying the allegations leveled against him, decided to go on the offensive and decided to draw the attention away and on the accuser. I find this to be distasteful as one of the academia masses. If Thaksin is indeed clean, he should place high priority to rebutt all the charges against him and then proceed to prosecute Ekkayuth for a number of different charges that he has done at this moment. By using government agencies, that is controlled by proxies to the PM, to prosecute Ekkayuth just to draw attention away from the charges is a slap in the face for all people who wants to know the truth about the charges of mismanagement and cronysism, that I just feel that by the rate this is going, will never see the light.

1 comment:

Xtercy said...

a hot issue here .. i wanna see the end of this political drama ;) i guess it's beter than watching the soapy movie on the tele