Sunday, February 10, 2008

Daily Spending February 9-10, 2008

February 9, 2008

Breakfast - 0 baht
- Ate at home

Lunch - 170 baht
- Steak and Ribs (140 baht)
- Coke (10 baht)
- Traditional Thai Snack (20 baht)

Dinner - 80 baht
- Fried Rice
- Fried Eggs
- Fish Maw in Gravy Sauce

Travel Expense - 52 baht
- Van (25 baht)
- Bus (27 baht)

Additional Expense - 40 baht
- Coke (34 baht)
- Ice (6 baht)

Total Spending: 342 baht

February 10, 2008

Breakfast - 0 baht
- Ate at home

Lunch - 35 baht
- Fried Chicken and Rice (25 baht)
- Coke (10 baht)

Dinner - 220 baht
- Daidomon Buffet and etc.

Snack - 20 baht
- Coke

Travel Expense - 75 baht
- Taxi (75 baht)

Total Spending: 330 baht

Here is one thing I can tell. The more you stay home, the more you save. If only I can stay home more often :P

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