Monday, February 25, 2008

Daily Spending - February 24-25, 2008

February 24, 2008

Breakfast - 0 baht
- Ate at home

Lunch - 42 baht
- Pork Larb on Mama (30 Baht)
- Coke (12 baht)

Dinner - 0 baht
- Ate at Home

Traveling Expense - 52 baht
- Bus (40 baht)
- Transit Bus (12 baht)

Snacks - 24 baht
- Ice Tea (14 baht)
- Chocolate (10 baht)

Total Spending: 98 baht

February 25, 2008

Breakfast - 0 baht
- Ate at home

Lunch - 75 baht
- Grill Chicken and Curry (65 baht)
- Ice Tea (10 baht)

Dinner - 0 baht
- Ate at home

Snack - 45 baht
- Icecream (45 baht)

Total Spending: 120 baht

Looking back at my expenses, seems that I've been spending too much on Softdrinks and snacks. I think it is a good idea to stop eating that!

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