Wednesday, June 15, 2005

No to ID

In Thailand, our government is investing a hefty sum on a Smart ID card project in which ID cards are supposed to contain basic information about the carrier. It was intially quoted as an anti-crime prevention measure, and had a lukewarm acceptance from the population who couldn't care more or less about it. On a personal note I was highly against the move and I don't plan to cooperate in this matter if possible. Somehow I got tired of answering people why I thought a using national Smart Card ID won't help prevent crime, but another useless mega project the government is investing in. Anyway, I've just happen to hop in a great site, just accross the world that is campaigning on a similar line to what I believe in, so I just thought about updating my blog to highly why such idea or similar ones are not as good as you think.

Here is one quote that I liked alot:

"If the Government are serious about crime and security, they should ensure the police and security services have sufficient resources - not waste billions on an ID card scheme that won't stop serious criminals or terrorists but will inconvenience millions of law-abiding citizens."
Gareth Crossman, Liberty

There is also a good FAQ that lists important issues that you should know about.

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