Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Daily Budget - January 30, 2008

Here is the daily budget for today:

January 30, 2008

Breakfast - 0 baht
- Ate at home

Lunch - 35 baht
- LardNa and Coke

Snack - 51 baht
- Coke (15 baht)
- Ice Tea (14 baht)
- Mars (22 baht)

Dinner - 179 baht
- Honey-Glazed Pork Chop/Southwest Chicken (119 baht)
- Water (10 baht)
- Icecream (59 baht)

Travel Expense - 167 baht
- Bus (34 baht)
- Transit Bus (12 baht)
- Van (36 baht)
- Taxi (85 baht)

Clothing Expense - 270 baht
- Trousers (270 baht)

Total Spending: 702 baht

Today was a bad day. Other than having to travel all over Bangkok due to numerous errands to run, it seems that bad luck follows my every single turn. To cap things off, the zipper of my trousers broke off, requiring me to get a replacement.

Oh well, all I can say tommorrow should be a better day :)

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