Monday, November 17, 2008

Too Dedicated

I have a slight problem that I think that I need to fix. I have this nasty habit of working extremely hard in binges. When the going gets tough, and things need to get done, I find it very gratifying to roll up the sleeves of my shirt and press through the project until it is done with little regard of things around me. The problem is after being so dedicated to work, it is easy to get burnt out. After finishing work under such circumstances, somehow I like to revert to sleeping binges - in other words sleeping too much, before trying to get myself entertained - in some times, gaming binges that aren't that good for the health. It isn't easy to find an equilibrium where things don't get too crazy on one aspect of life, but at least I know I have to try and start sometime.

Maybe I'll start by sleeping early today :P

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