Saturday, March 22, 2008

Daily Spending - March 20-21, 2008

March 21, 2008

Breakfast - 35 baht
- Ice Tea (10 baht)
- Rad Na (25 baht)

Lunch - 76 baht
- Assortment of stuff

Dinner - 209 baht
- Pizza (170 baht)
- Drinks (13 x 3 = 39 baht)

Snacks - 31 baht
- Mars (22 baht)
- Water (9 baht)

Traveling Fee - 52 baht
- Bus (20 + 20 baht)
- Transit Bus (6 + 6 baht)

Other Expense (120 baht)
- Medical Checkup (120 baht)

Total Spending: 522 baht

March 20, 2008

Breakfast - 0 baht
- Ate at home

Lunch - 40 baht
- Larp and Mama (30 baht)
- Coke (10 baht)

Dinner - 100 baht
- Spagetthi, Sausage Set (85 baht)
- Water (15 baht)

Traveling Fee - 62 baht
- Bus (20 + 20 + 10 baht)
- Transit Bus (6 + 6 baht)

Other Expense (500 baht)
- Registration Fees (500 baht)

Total Spending: 702 baht

I'm just got accept into the PhD program a day back. It was kind of a surreal experience since all of the deans and associate deans were at the interview session which was more like a research propopsal session. Things got out well.

1 comment:

jeremy said...

keeping track of all your expenses these days? =)

congrats on getting into the phd program!