Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Pisal's Secret Parma Ham Pizza

You might find it odd, but I usually cook in my free time, usually on weekends. One of my favorite dishes that I regularly make is pizza in which I make my own dough. After experimenting for a few years, I've finally honed into my favorite pizza that I usually make to impress my first time guests at my home.

The pizza that I make right now is my own dough which is made into extremely thin crust (which I usually do after some flying pizza tricks :P). The topping that I like the most currently is Parma ham. As noted Parma Ham idoesn't come cheap, but its delicious and gives a rather fine salty taste. To cover up the excessive saltiness, there are two things I've used. First is a layer of tomato sauce (could be made but tomato quality here is too low to make good sauce). The second is the layer of mascapone cheese (the one you use in tiramasu) is used below the parma ham to give a smooth cheesy taste after biting.The whole thing is covered up with some classic mozzarella cheese which is standard in any pizza. If you noticed the topics, this pizza isn't cheap, but its great for any home party :)

The only thing at the present that I can think that can help my pizza is a better oven. I fancy a coal driven pizza oven, but that is pretty too expensive, and won't fit a home kitchen that well doesn't it?

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