Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Fashion Statement at the Local Election

During election time, I usually come back with a few strange observations from the voting booth. In today's Senate election, I found one of the volunteers with a strange T-Shirt which seem to have some white tape covering a huge part of the shirt. Initially I thought it was some sort of new and weird fashion, but after a short deliberation, I finally figured that the shirt actually had a number on it, and election committees are not supposed to suggest any candidates directly or indirectly. In other words, the shirt she wore was illegal technically, so the tape was there just to cover up the shirt.

On a strange note, I was wearing a sports shorts to the election, and my pants had a number on it. Is this violating any election laws? Thinking about it, I did. Now that is one fashion that I'm not planning to wear the next time to the elections.


Xtercy said...


The Cloud N◦9 said...

LOL! aren't you thinking too much? Next election, I thinking to ware no. 1-100 on my cloth then orbit around BKK...perhaps I might get advertising fees from all candidates ;)