Thursday, October 06, 2005

Mobile Phone Ring Tone

With all the interesting ring tone you can put on your mobile phone form synthesized MIDI to real sampled music (MP3), I found you can learn much from the choice of music. People with current hit music usually are those who follow the latest trends. People using synthesized music embeded in the phone usually are not technically saavy or just are people who like conforming to set standards. People with classical or jazz music are people with sophisticated taste. People using game music are hard core gamers. If you noticed, you can kind of predict people's personality or habits from their ring tone.

On a sidenote, today while I was proctoring, one of the mobile phones left in a student's bag was ringing. It had an MP3 ringtone or the song "I am so Lonely" by Akorn on full volume. After the first few phrases the whole class was laughing, much to the embarassment of the owner who came to close it. Just a short lesson, turn off your mobile phones (or keep in silent mode) if you are going to enter quiet places such as an exam room and if possible at a concert :P


Xtercy said...

Well ... guess that person wont be single after the exam .... ;)

well I am low tech on mobile phone .. ;)

The Cloud N◦9 said...

To be exact you should learn from their mobile desktop theme too.

For more advise for guyz, you should hide pics of japanesse idols or sexy girls if you don't want to lose your prey otherwise you can show it in case that you want to expel someone (j/j)(^.~)