Monday, August 28, 2006


When I was studying, one of my favorite hobbies was that me and a group of friends would go off for a drive to different parts around the vicinity of Bangkok to find interesting places to eat. One of the things you have to check out before hopping on any car for an extended period of time is to figure out the driver's musical taste. Luckily the designated driver is a jazz fan, and it turns out that most of us in the car are also jazz fans. During our drives, we managed to exchange a few albums and recommendations since Jazz didn't have that much airtime in the past.

Anyway, one of our favorite album was from a artist called Malta who plays fusion jazz with his saxophone. The only thing other than that was that we know he is Japanese, and that is probably it. In all of his albums that we had, (we had about 5 of them) a strange note is that there was never a picture of the artist nor anything explaining about the album. As most artists are quite vain, you would see their pictures adorned every possible place in the album. On a strange note, you won't see anything on Malta's album O_o

I thought about decoding that point, and our group tried to find more information with the use of the WWW. However, with such a typical name as Malta, googling didn't really turn up with anything useful also.

I just thought a few minutes ago that I was bored of work and needed something else to think about. After opening a few Malta songs from the Best of Malta Album I couldn't help wonder but figure that if after a few years, maybe I could find some more information. After a short googling session, I finally found it:

Now I finally figured the 8 year old mystery :P

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