Tuesday, December 13, 2005

New GWB Terms

I think most of the readers here know that I'm not a big fan of George W. Bush (GWB). Anyway due to a bout of boredom yesterday, I decided to switch to CNN and watch his live speech on the topic related with the future of Democratic Iraq. If you didn't know yet, one thing that GWB is reknown for is his ability to coin up new terms on a number of issues. The latest term coined that speech was "Saddamist". Sounds pretty queer doesn't it? He was using that term to relate to Iraqi and foreign elements that are classified as sympathisizers to the former Iraqi Dicatator Saddam Hussein and I must admit that GWB really has this talent for over-simplicating things and creating new buzz words.

Talking about Saddam, here are a few interesting flash parody animations on that fellow:


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