Monday, September 05, 2005

555 - Playing with Numbers#2

555 in our native dialect(Thai) is pronouced as "Ha Ha Ha" which is also one of our most favorite messaging quote (on the similar equivalence with 1337 usage in the global community).

If you don't know what 1337 means, here is the definition form urban dictionary:

1337. Originally used by hackers to avoid simple net searches that would turn up, for example, "I am an elite hacker".

Pronounced "Leet", short for "Elite". The original phrase was 31337, or "Elite", referring to the best hackers. It is still used today by some of the good hackers, but the word has been picked up and overused by so many losers and posers that its meaning has been corrupted.

Instead hackers would say "1 4|\/| 4|\| 31337 |-|4x0|2".

"31337" was later shortened to "1337".

Now 1337 used mainly by the gaming community (also in chatrooms) to mean an especially skilled player.
1. 7|-|3 |=|31 15 93771|\|9 (|053 70 7|-|15 31337 0p3|24710|\|!

2. im s0 1337 taht i pwn ur @ss n00b!

Talking about playing with numbers, I've just noticed another neat number here, notice, 8888 hits! Though that is little compared to my other sites, somehow just knowing someone does stumble from time to time into this rambling siteis quite surprising :P

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