Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Daily Budget - January 30, 2008

Here is the daily budget for today:

January 30, 2008

Breakfast - 0 baht
- Ate at home

Lunch - 35 baht
- LardNa and Coke

Snack - 51 baht
- Coke (15 baht)
- Ice Tea (14 baht)
- Mars (22 baht)

Dinner - 179 baht
- Honey-Glazed Pork Chop/Southwest Chicken (119 baht)
- Water (10 baht)
- Icecream (59 baht)

Travel Expense - 167 baht
- Bus (34 baht)
- Transit Bus (12 baht)
- Van (36 baht)
- Taxi (85 baht)

Clothing Expense - 270 baht
- Trousers (270 baht)

Total Spending: 702 baht

Today was a bad day. Other than having to travel all over Bangkok due to numerous errands to run, it seems that bad luck follows my every single turn. To cap things off, the zipper of my trousers broke off, requiring me to get a replacement.

Oh well, all I can say tommorrow should be a better day :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Daily Budget - January 29, 2008

Here is the daily budget for today:

January 29, 2008

Breakfast - 37 baht
- Bread (14 baht)
- Salapao (15 baht)
- Chocolate (8 baht)

Lunch - 75 Baht
- Katsu Curry Rice

Dinner - 0 Baht
- Dinner (At home so free!!!)
Total Spending: 112 baht

Nothing too significant, but based on the figures, I haven't been spending too much which is good.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Daily Budget

How much money do I spend each day? I had this nagging feeling that I've been spending too much, so I've decided to post my spending for the unforseen future and evaluate my spending patterns.

January 28, 2008

Breakfast - 36 baht
- Bread (14 baht)
- Water (14 baht)
- Chocolate (8 baht)

Lunch - 70 Baht

Dinner - 100 Baht
- Icecream (100 baht)
- Dinner (Free!!!)

Total Spending : 206 Baht

Seems like I've overspent on desert today. Due to that reason, I've decided that I'm m not going to eat ice-cream for the next forthnight :P

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

DeathNote Character Quiz

Oh well, just a quiz I did for fun. Amusing...!

Quiz Result Provided By:

What Death Note Character Are You?

Hosted by Anime. Done right.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

500 posts and a New Resolution

I've just noticed I've reached 500 rambling and random posts.

For this post, I've decided to post to remind myself that I've got to slim down. I'm getting heavier, and my usual exercise schedule isn't doing that well. Maybe I should either get more active (In which I think I'm already pretty active), or either eat less. Hmm... I guess I've got to go with the second choice at this moment :(

As they say, eating is a joy. Too bad I've got to keep a lid on that.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Entrance Exam Blues

How is it like to take an exam? I've forgotten the feeling already. Now that is a big problem considering I have to take another entrance exam for my Ph.D studies. Hmm... I hope I haven't grown rusty from all the years of giving exams, not taking one :P

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

I remember distinctively that I usually come up with a number of New Year's Resolution before every change of the year. I found out that usually after a few days or weeks, I forget what I have promised myself to do. So to make a change, I've decided I should remind myself by posting my resolutions in my incredibly dull blog just to remind myself.

Here are my resolutions in no order of precedence:
1) Follow my resolutions from the first to the last steps.
2) Read and finish up the cooking textbook I've bought ages ago.
3) Get enrolled for my third degree.
4) Sleep in more regular hours (avoid early morning sleeping sessions).
5) Get myself in a more positive frame of mind.
6) Read more books (even though I read ferociously already).
7) Be more aware of people around me.

From the looks of it, it sounds as a pretty vague resolution. Could either be very easy to accomplish or not depending on my own perspective. In a year's time, I'll figure out how much I did accomplish.